
DVB-S2 Receiver Extensions for GNU Radio

View the Project on GitHub igorauad/gr-dvbs2rx

Supported Operation Modes and Limitations

Please feel free to get in touch if you would like to use another SDR device/board. Adding support should be straightforward if the device already has GNU Radio support. Pull requests are also welcome.

NOTE: The current implementations for the bladeRF and PlutoSDR are subject to experimental validation.

dvbs2-tx \
  --source file \
  --in-file data/example.ts \
  --in-repeat \
  --modcod qpsk1/4 \
  --pilots \
  --snr 2 \
  --freq-offset 1e5 | \
dvbs2-rx \
  --sink file \
  --out-file /dev/null \
  --modcod qpsk1/4 \
  --pilots on

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