
DVB-S2 Receiver Extensions for GNU Radio

View the Project on GitHub igorauad/gr-dvbs2rx


From Source

Currently, the only available installation method is by compiling from source locally or within a Docker container environment. Other methods such as binary packages and PyBOMBS will be provided in the future.

To build from source, make sure to install the build dependencies first. After that, run:

git clone --recursive
cd gr-dvbs2rx/
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..

Next, test the built binaries by running:


Finally, install by executing:

sudo make install
sudo ldconfig

Docker Image

A Dockerfile is available with a recipe for a Ubuntu-based Docker image featuring GNU Radio and gr-dvbs2rx. To build it, run:

docker build -t gr-dvbs2rx .

Further Information

Build Options

When compiling from source, the CMake build can be customized by the following options:

Note the build options must be specified on the cmake step. For example, for an option named MYOPTION, append either -DMYOPTION=ON or -DMYOPTION=OFF to the cmake .. step.

Build Dependencies


dnf install \
  cmake \
  doxygen \
  fftw-devel \
  gmp-devel \
  gnuradio-devel \
  graphviz \
  libsndfile-devel \
  pybind11-devel \
  python3-packaging \


apt install \
  cmake \
  doxygen \
  gnuradio-dev \
  graphviz \
  libsndfile1-dev \
  libspdlog-dev \
  pkg-config \
  pybind11-dev \

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